Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Gabi and I am a Yoga Therapist,
Nutritionist, artist, and lover living in Long Beach, CA.
I specialize in postural exercises, joint mobility, cultivating interoception, balance exercises, mindfulness techniques, stress release, low back pain, and tech-neck AKA forward head posture.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to yoke, or to bring together. It is a lifelong journey through and to the Self.
Simply put, Yoga = awareness + movement + breath.
Yoga is much deeper than just asana (postures). The 8 limbs of Yoga were written by a sage named Patanjali. They are meant to take us from doing to being. We are called human beings for a reason!
Yoga involves the comprehensive practice of our behavior toward ourselves and others. When we practice non-harm, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, and non-attachment we are living Yoga. When we practice cleanliness, contentment, zeal, self-study, and surrendering we are living yoga. Practicing postures, mindful breathing, tuning inward, focusing, having a one pointed mind, and reaching a state of pure bliss are Yoga as well!
Anyone can practice Yoga on and off the mat!
What is Yoga Therapy?
Yoga Therapy is distinct from Yoga because it is an individualized practice tailored to your specific needs. Yoga Therapy begins with an intake, assessment, and helps the client address their goals. Yoga Therapy helps bring awareness to habits that are beneficial and those that are not. It is essentially replacement therapy and helps each individual incorporate more positive habits into their daily life. There is a Home Exercise Plan that is assigned every session to meet the SMART goals that have been established. It takes time to reach our goals, but with the accountability, guidance, and help of a Yoga Therapist you can reach your goals sooner. Think of it as a sort of “goal” or life coach.